How many close-up tricks do you see?


* We hope you enjoy  a good                 2024 year of



  Magic Show Free( Zoom type)  every Wednesday 8pm.

Tickets-free- from ..


Next event .....

IBM  convention Summer 2024


Exonian October 9 Note now a WEDNESDAY


 This is always  an excellent day with   a  Gala Show


  Past events were 

BLACKPOOL 16-18 February 2024 




These events were in past years ..


 King Charles Zoom Magic Show .Coronation  Bank holiday 7pm  2023



 Kidology September 2023



tThere is no  JUMBO DAY  Convention at the Portsmouth +District  Magic Circle -


There was a - different event at the end of the summer run by a PDMC meember   :- Please note that  this event will consist of the just the bringing an ddemo  of magic effects. 


Zoom Christmas Magic Show Host :Peterjon-Tickets-free- from ..




  IBM    81st ring…see web site




. After the C19 virus SOME events were on again in.. 2022

 MATRICKS  spectacular   big illusion  show at :The MCMILLAN Theatre,   BATH ROAD,  BRIDGWATER  , TA6 4PZ

, the Matricks Illusion has recently been featured on Britain's Got Talent 2022 episode 1! 

This was  on the 5th. OCT. 2022 . AN  EXCELLENT SHOW as usual.



.The Charity Concert, "Magic Show &  music" with   the Rockin' Rev :-(Shadows Music) and folk singer in Sept. 2021 was a great success.



Other Magic news /events in the past

High Jincks  Magic Taunton Brewhouse Spring 2019


2016..Richard Jones – Won the

Britain's  Got Talent   with

a ..... story “CARD” trick




Cards to follow

Thank you for watching


   The West         Somerset       Magic Circle


  *~~The West~~*      S.M.C.



Vanishing dove!



 Unusual tricks  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


The pack of cards is shuffled a

card is chosen by spectator 1,  then spectator 2  is given the magic "Ziraconixray" viewing card.  After explaining the way the card clarifies the mind reading view.....the spectator 2 looks through and sees .. colour   RED .....  the suit  : HEARTS  -- - not high ---  not low ....   the  9 of HEARTS --correct !


"Ziraconizray" vision card.        both self-working.



    AVAILABLE now.


         .......... .....................


  The  3 Shell Game,

      or find the pea! 

 These 3 wallnut shells have smooth filler inside to assist the pea to escape! 

 No instructions, as you use one of  the well known routines.


also available other hand made effects, also unusual playing cards (like 007 photo playing cards , Harry Potter photo card packs etc).



In the last 3 years of the C19 virus many shows were cancelled so, may  be you have had time to read those  magic _books you  never got round to, do some zoom chats, or see the Magic Circle  Unlocked.  (There are  many  magic videos on Face Book & Utube)

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